Everything Else


We use a high-quality organically based fertilizer that we recommend to anyone not already on a fertilizing plan of some kind. It goes out 4 times a year and our typical price is $75 per application.


Junk Hauling

Our sister company Austin Rubbish Removal is at your service. Loads to the dump start at $95. Click here for more info.

Tree Trimming

Leaf it to us to care for your trees! We’ve got the right guys for the job, just give us call or even shoot us a photo to get the conversation started.



We build fences for our customers but only in January! The rest of the year we’ll refer you to our friends at K2 Fence & Stain.

Sprinkler Repair

If you have nice grass you definitely have a sprinkler system, and if you have a sprinkler system, you definitely need it worked on from time to time. Clyde Combs at Combs Property Maintenance (512-789-4515) is a local legend for his expertise and great service.


Pooper Scooper

Our sister company Austin Poo Patrol can keep your yard clean from that pesky brown mess. Weekly service starts at $13.95. Click here for more details.

Other South Austin services we love to recommend

These local guys are the best of the best in South Austin. Tell them House to House sent you!